Monday, April 4, 2011

First Blog Post - Lets Do This.

Today is April 4, 2011. I'm officially stepping into the Blog Waters! All my friends will tell you my favorite teams are the Cincinnati Reds and Buffalo Sabres. I'm VERY passionate about my favorite teams. Although there is a limit to how or what I'll do for those passions.
On Sunday 4/3/2011, I was watching the Buffalo Sabres v. Carolina Hurricanes game and was on twitter at the same time. During the game some tweeps were poking fun back and forth between Sabres and Canes fans. It all seemed harmless at the time. One of my retweets was taken a bit out of context, which can happen easily online, and certainly had good reason for that out of context perception.
A twitter tweep, who I did not know until Monday morning, was a part of this poking fun. Unknown to me, this person was assaulted by a Sabres Fan in the parking lot after the game. She was walking with friends when she was verbally and physically harrassed. The Sabres Fan said some vulger things, grabbed her, and when she defended herself by trying to push him away, the fan punched her in the face. She had her nose broke and suffered a concussion. She was in the emergency room for two hours, rather than being in the comfort of her home settling down for the night. The good thing is that there was a Police Officer near and the assaulting person was arrested, will pay for all medical fees, and was taken to jail.
I hate the fact that the person was a Sabres fan. Any Sabres fan that is violent toward another teams fans is a terrible person and not worthy of calling themselves a Sabres Fan. No one should resort to violence for any reason, espcially when sporting events are involved, no matter whether your team wins or loses. It's a sport for our entertainment, not for us to take out our anger.
There are a couple good things that have come from this incident. Writing about the incident to raise the awareness to stop violence at sporting events and I have a new Friend who is a Carolina Hurricans fan. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

1 comment:

  1. I could not agree more. There is no reason for either verbal or physical abuse because someone opposes your team. I've written about the verbal abuse that took place between Reds fans and Phillies fans during playoffs last year (and it went BOTH ways, amongst both sets of fans). It's really sad when something great like baseball or hockey gets recognized because of violence instead of the sport itself.
