Monday, July 30, 2012

The Twins 1st Pro Baseball Game

     Saturday night I took my seven year old twin sons to their first professional baseball game. We went to to see the minor league New York-Penn league Auburn Doubledays play the Tri-City Valleycats. The game was played in Falcon Park, Auburn, NY. The boys have gone to little league games, my men's baseball league games, and a Rochester Americans hockey game. This was my first attempt to take them to an actual pro baseball game. If you know my boys, they can be very high maintenance! (Difficult)

     We started out the game, like the song says, getting peanuts, popcorn, and drinks. Tyler got fruit punch powerade, Travis got a blueberry slushy, and I got a "pop"! (They didn't have cracker jacks, darn!)

     We went to the pitching cage, hitting cage, and the bounce house. Tyler and Travis both threw 37MPH. The boys got to meet the mascot Abner Doubleday and get their picture with him. The boys are hams, aren't they??!!

    The boys both got minor league practice baseballs shortly after this picture. I was going to purchase the baseballs but a young girl gave them baseballs she had in her purse. There was a couple private parties and she had gotten them from the parties. We thanked her for being so nice.

    At the end of the sixth inning, all the kids in the stadium were given the chance to run with Abner across the outfield. I'm not sure the Auburn people knew what they were in for when they set up this activity!! There was 50 to 70 rambunctious children awaiting them at the gate. Poor Abner never had a chance, the kids were gone like they were shot out of a gun! Tyler and Travis both beat Abner across the outfield. Burn that energy boys!

     In the top of the ninth inning, Vallycats right fielder Emilio King #35, hit a two run homerun over the left field wall. I would judge the distance at about 350 to 365 feet, give or take a few. My boys and I decided to go look for the ball, even though we might not be allowed back in the park. We got out behind the wall and there was five to seven kids running around. Long story short, the kids were all up by the wall, I realized the ball had to go much farther. I found the ball in a small depression, against the road curbing. SWEET!!! (I feel bad we did not try to get the ball to the Valleycats team. It is the young mans first homerun this season. I will give the ball to him, if he wants it back. I'm going to contact the team. see the below pics)

     The Camo USA hat in the picture was given to me by Jeff Gray, Asst Gen Manager, of the U.S. Military All Stars --  -- twitter-->  @heroes365  Thank you very much Jeff.

     So, we headed back to the front gate and the usher let us back in the stadium. I thanked him a few times. We got back to our seats just in time to see a great fireworks display. The Auburn organization did a really good job.

     As we were filing out of the stands, an Auburn ball player was in the crowd. The boys saw his jersey and number 5, and they wanted to get their picture with him. Tyler said, "dad he has your number 5!" I told the boys I would ask the young man about a picture. The young ball player pictured is Tony Renda. He graciously stood with the boys. Tony plays 2nd base, has a great glove, and went 1 for 4 that night. Thanks Tony for the pic. (imagine my surprise when I saw his name was Tony too!)

     The boys and I sat next to a season ticket holder during the game. He was a very nice gentleman, wish I had gotten his name. We talked baseball most of the game and he was very nice to watch our stuff for several bathroom trips. When we go to our next Auburn game, hopefully we will see him again.

     The boys had a bunch of fun at a ball game. They asked baseball questions, were amazed at good defensive plays, and in awe of hard hits. (I have to admit, I was too!!) The boys went to bed with their baseballs in their ball gloves and talked all day Sunday about the game. I hope the experience fuels their love of the game. I'm going to make sure we go to many games together in the future.

Thanks all and Cheers from the Cheap Seats.

Here is the TC Valleycat reply about the ball:

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